Vermont Campaign for Universal Paid Leave Launched

Petition drive seeks to provide paid leave for 65% of Vermonters who remained unprotected and unpaid through FMLA.

In early 2023, the Hanover Co-op joined the Vermont Paid Leave Coalition— an inspiring and growing group of organizations and businesses advocating for an equitable and universal paid family and medical leave program.

In March, the Vermont House advanced a comprehensive paid leave bill to the Senate. The program outlined in the bill provided up to 12 weeks of paid leave and virtually universal coverage for Vermont’s workforce. This comprehensive coverage will strengthen our state one family and business at a time. Now it is in the hands of our legislators. We can give them a strong foundation of support with this sign-on petition.

An estimated 73% of working Vermonters do not have access to paid family and medical leave. We believe that every worker, whether they work for the country store, on the farm, or for the hospital should have access to paid leave. This universal program will support Vermont's diverse business community and provide a strong foundation for our entrepreneurs, sole proprietors, and small businesses to remain competitive and attractive in an increasingly challenging labor market. Vermont has a roadmap to a cost-effective and equitable way to ensure paid leave is there for workers when they need it. We believe that our co-op will succeed when our community succeeds.

Vermonters, please join us and raise your voice by signing the petition linked below.

Rebecca Joy Henrietta White

Rebecca Joy Henrietta White

Public & Government Affairs Associate, Hanover Co-op Food Stores & Auto Service Centers



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About Hanover Co-op Food Stores

The Hanover Co-op Food Stores—also known as the Hanover Consumer Cooperative Society—is owned by more than 24,000 members. The Co-op seeks to build a well-nourished community cultivated through cooperation. From its founding in 1936 by 17 Dartmouth College professors and their spouses, the Hanover Co-op is now one of the oldest and largest of its kind in the United States. In recent years, this business has served more than 5,000 customers a day. For more than 85 years, this cooperative has stood by its founding commitment to buying locally produced food and goods. From locations in New Hampshire and Vermont, this consumer-owned business generates sales of $85 million annually from three grocery stores, a community market, and two auto service centers.
